Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I sit, fidgeting in my chair.  We've talked about this before.  Today, the words “one day” are no longer fantasy.  Her friend, our willing guest, taunts me with a hungry stare knowing full well what it does to me. I will soon have her.  She smiles as I suffer, watching.  I promised to allow a head start but it’s a hard promise to keep.  Red lips touch and run softly against one other.  Fingers explore and bodies quiver, moans and gasps tease my ears and I wait.  Eventually they both smile and say join and I do not hesitate.

Photo Title: N & G
Artist/Photographer/Model/Original Post: Gogo Yurabi
Location of Work:  deviantArt



  1. I love this one! <3 I love all of them, but this one here... nomnom's much!

  2. lol nomnoms much huh? you flatter me and I enjoy it. Thanks for the comment!
