"Dry Heat"
He sat there staring at his radar gun fuming. He had never been so angry in his life. He had just got off the phone with his wife after another typical 10 minute argument and he had no way to vent. He sat there staring out into the flatland desert highway. The road went for miles and there was nobody on it. “Why the hell had he even considered moving to New Mexico” he thought to himself. As if on cue he was reminded by the text he got at that very moment. It was the wife, again, telling him not forget the milk when he came home. “Yep, she’s the reason why I moved to this god forsaken place” he said out loud to no one. His radio cracked and he picked it up. “This is Officer Lloyd” he responded. After a few minutes of back and forth with dispatch he was again sitting there angry. They had just extended his shift another two hours. He would be staring at this flat road for quite some time today.
She was racing along the road bored to death. There was no radio reception out here and after listening to the only cd she had in the car nearly 10 times in a row she would rather have the sound of the wind blowing through her hair than hear the Eagles “Hotel California” one more goddamned time. A road trip from Texas to California was not her idea of a great vacation but she had a thing about flying and this was the only way. It was even more a downer that her A.C. was out and so she had to deal with open windows and asphalt heat. At one point when passing through West Texas she thought to herself “This has got to be the most boring place to drive on earth”. Now that she was cruising across bottom of New Mexico she realized just how wrong she was. She felt like screaming but didn’t bother because there was no one around to hear it.
“Next time I do this, remind me to bring a friend” Cherie said out loud. At one point she had even contemplated tying her bra to the steering wheel to keep it straight while she took a nap. As flat and treeless as this highway was she could well have gotten away with it. Common sense got the better of her though. “Lord, please! When will this end?” she screamed. She had been driving for at least an hour now with nobody else in site. When she pulled into a small town about 100 miles or so back the gas station attendant there told her make sure her tank was full and that she had lots of water, the Arizona border was a long way off. Cherie drove a bit further when something caught her eye on the horizon. It wasn’t a tree because there was no such thing here. After a few more miles she was able to make out what she was seeing. It was a car off to the side of the road. As she got closer she then realized it was a patrol car of some sort. She glanced down at her speedometer and a wry smile crossed her face. “At least I may get to have a little fun in the armpit of America” she said to herself as she stepped harder on the gas taking the car even further over the speed limit. Little did she know just how much fun she was going to have.
Officer Lloyd was half asleep by now. He had finally calmed down from earlier and was just settling in for a peaceful afternoon; partially, because he had nothing better to do and partially because he put his phone on silent. He wasn’t about to be bothered by his wife again. He sat there with the brim of his hat pulled just barely down, shading his eyes, day dreaming about a woman who was being very flirtatious when his radar went off. As he raised out of his seat to see what had caused it to do so an older model Honda Accord zoomed by him shaking both his car and him. “What the hell?” he muttered as he looked the radar. The car went by doing 86 and it didn’t even bother slowing. “Now I have something to do” he said to himself as he put the cruiser in drive and flipped on his lights a bit angrily.
“How smart was that?” Cherie though to herself as the cop car finally caught up to her, lights on, siren wailing. She slowed her car down pulling off to the side of the road and the cruiser slowly pulled in behind her. She looked into her rearview mirror and watched the officer get out of his car. “Well what do we have here?” she thought to herself as she eyed him approaching the car. He was just short of 6 feet tall and had broad shoulders and nice build. Her heart fluttered for a moment and wicked thoughts crept into her head. Smiling wickedly she sat up straight and gave herself a quick look over just as he approached the car. The officer leaned into her window and asked her a question she did not hear. She was lost in his golden green flecked eyes.
“Mam…I asked do you know how fast you were going?” Officer Lloyd was a bit frustrated now. It was like the woman didn’t even realize he was there. He had to ask her three times before she even said a word. He wondered if she was maybe drunk or on some sort of drugs. As he looked her over and the inside of her car he could not help but notice how beautiful this woman was. “Get your mind of the gutter man” he thought to himself as he eyeballed the light cotton sun dress she was wearing. The sunlight seemed a bit brighter now and it also seemed a bit warmer than 80 degrees out, but that was the desert for you. The wind shifted, gusting through the car, causing her dress to lift a bit higher on her tan well toned legs. He saw that she noticed his gaze but she made no effort to smooth it down or adjust. For that matter he could swear she shifted it higher for a better view.
“Hello Officer” said Cherie in a very haughty and flirtatious voice. She gave him her biggest smile and told him how she wasn’t really paying attention to her speedometer. She said she had been driving for a while now and was pretty bored and zoning out. “It might be a good thing you pulled me over” she smiled. “This means I can have something to do other than driving”. When she said this she batted her lashes and looked him up and down as if he were a giant piece of candy.
The officer was bit flustered by the way the woman was acting. It took a lot for him to gain his composure all the while his pants were grew a bit tighter. He paused a moment and then calmly asked to see her license and registration. She said it was in her glove compartment and asked if she could move to get it. Rising out of her seat onto her knees, she bent over the center console to reach into her glove box. She didn’t reach over like any normal person would do. As she did this her dress rode up on her hips and offered Officer Lloyd a full view of her ass and panties. They were light blue with little cherries all over and they pulled snugly against her mound. He licked his lips as he stared. She took a while shuffling through. The officer could only imagine this was intentional. He continued to stare at her exposed tight round ass lost in fantasy. When he regained his sense the woman was seated again staring at him with a huge dimpled smile. “I uh…I need to just check these” he said as began walking back to his patrol car. “Please give me a few moments”.
“I will give you all the time you need officer” Cherie said smiling coyly. “God I want him” she thought to herself as he walked away. Cherie was wild and adventurous but never had she come onto a complete stranger so brazenly. Even when she was dating she liked to get to know the men she bedded a little bit first. But here in the middle of nowhere with miles of sticky dessert kissed tar and her destination she really wanted this man to just take her. “What else do I have to do to get him to see what I want” she thought to herself. Then a bit of hesitation took hold. She realized she was a bit out of control. Reality set in. He was an officer of the law. All she had to look forward to was one hell of speeding ticket and another 300 miles worth of dry landscape.
Officer Lloyd sat down in his car staring at her driver’s license. Looking over his dash at the car in front of him wondering to himself, “She’s coming onto me right? She’s practically begging for me to take her right there isn’t she?” he puzzled. He smiles but for a brief moment and ten thinks guiltily about his wife; looking down at his phone on the dash that guilt vanishes quicker than water on the New Mexico Highway when he sees she has left him another complaint. “What the hell” he thinks to himself as he adjusts his pants a bit. His mind made up he gets out of the car and heads back to the accord. “Let’s see where this goes you crazy son of bitch” the officer mutters under his breath.
Cherie looked into her review mirror and watched the officer return. She also noticed him adjusting himself and yet another one of her devilish smiles appears. “Maybe he is willing to play after all” she thinks to herself. The officer, instead of approaching the driver side window, walks up to her passenger side and leans down into the window smiling. “So where you headed?” he asks her trying to make small talk. She simply smiles back and boldly responds, “Well it could be nowhere for a little bit if you insist”. That is all he needed to hear. He knew he was going to test the waters. “Well if that’s the case can you pop your trunk please?” he asks. Cherie looked at him a bit confused. “Trust me it’s a smart move” he says with confidence. So she does as he asks. “Now mam will you please step out of your car on the passenger side” Officer Lloyd asks calmly. She gives him an unsure smile and does ask he asks. As she steps out he closes her door behind. “Please turn around and face the car mam”. His confidence grows with every second. “Here we go” he thinks to himself. “Mam, I am going to need to search you, do I have your permission to search you?” Cherie’s heart skips a beat. “Can you put your hands on the car?” He says with a lusty look. She knows what happens next. She has seen it a thousand times in the movies. It scares the shit out of her but she wants it to happen so bad she does just as the sexy officer says. She turns her head back to look at him. Their eyes lock and they both freeze. She licks her lips unintentionally and says somewhere between a whisper and moan. “I’m ready for you officer”.

Officer Lloyd’s heart is racing as he approaches Cherie and begins to pat her down. She continues looking back at him smiling as he runs his hands across her shoulders and then down her ribs. The breeze picks up blowing her hair out of her face and lifting her skirt. He slowly and softly works his hands down to her hips swallowing hard as he nears the moment of truth. As if on cue Cherie steps a leg out a bit further inviting him to continue. He smiles nervously leaving one hand on her hip and slides his other between her thighs. As he makes contact with her smooth legs Cherie cannot help but shiver. A chill runs the length of her body as if she were stuck in Alaska with no clothes on. Officer Lloyd’s hands run up her thigh and slightly graze her mound and soft panties. Cherie pushes back softly grinding into his hand as a small moan escapes her lips. The world around these two people vanishes in that instant. They are no longer police and law breaker; they are animals in heat, man and woman lost in one another.
He can feel her moistness as she grinds against his hand. Carefully he runs two fingers inside her even with the layer of thin panties there, feeling her want and wetness. He moves his hand from her hip bringing it around the front of her just above the belly making sure to keep his hand in contact with her and that soft yellow cotton dress the entire time. Cherie loves every second of his touch and as he moves in closer, pressing against her, he slides his other hand around front and continues finger fucking her through her panties. They are so wet now she can feel moisture running down the length of her leg all the way to her sandaled feet. Officer Lloyd can’t stand it anymore, he wants to feel her. Quickly he pulls her panties to the side and slips his fingers inside her while gently thumbing her clit. As he does this he manages with his other hand to pull down a shoulder strap on her sun dress freeing one of her perfect melon size tits and takes it into his hand, rubbing her hard nipple with his thumb. Pushing his pelvis into her he can’t help but visualize the scene from afar. A gorgeous woman bent over her car as he, while still in uniform finger fucks and plays with her tits. He smiles to himself leaning into her neck and biting softly. “Oh yes Mr. Officer, I’ve been a bad girl” she says jokingly and teasingly as waves of pleasure spread over her body.
Cherie moans a bit louder as she cums he has found the right pace and spot. Squirming with his fingers inside her she can’t imagine it getting any better at that moment, but it does. Without any second thought Officer Lloyd kneels behind her flipping her dress up and yanks her panties down her hips all in one quick motion. Before Cherie can say anything he buries his face in her ass. She instinctively spreads her legs apart further as his tongue darts out and makes contact with her hot wet cunt. Soon he is lapping at her soft velvety insides and she cums again. This time it is so hard and fast he is rewarded with her juices. He mutters how wonderful she tastes between tongue circles and swallows. Cherie tosses her head back letting a small yelp of pleasure escape her. As she does this she turns her head and catches herself in the reflection off the window of his police car. Her hair is blowing in the wind, her panties are clinging to her calves, her dress is barely on and he she has this hunk of a policeman going down on her. She smiles savoring the moment and shivers as another orgasm rocks her body yet again rewarding him with her flowing sex.
Officer Lloyd could take it no more. The tightness in his pants was growing beyond comfort so he quickly rose to his feet and leaned in against Cherie hard. She turned back to see him just as he kisses her. Their tongues dance with one another as she hungrily swallows his into her mouth tasting herself on his lips. She is breathing heavy and wants so much more. While they kiss the officer manages to loosen his buckle and gun belt. His pants, gun and all drop to floor with a thud. Fishing in his boxer briefs he manages to pull out his pulsing erect cock. Cherie does not have time to see it nor does she care. She just wanted it in her. He willingly obliged not caring much for finesse and nearly slammed his entire six inches deep inside her with one quick motion. His cock was buried deep in her wet pussy. There was no romance here, no fairy tale foreplay; he just began pounding into her hard and fast as if they had done this a million times before. She loved his animal hunger and pushed her hips back into him bending over further as he thrust with all he could into her. She met each thrust of his with one of her own. There they were in the middle of the dessert all alone fucking like animals for the world to see. Cherie couldn’t help but sneak another peek at the reflection in the window of the cruiser and smile as she moaned “Yes…Yes…Yes Fuck me!”
As another orgasm took her she thought this man was just simply amazing. She had now cum 4 times in the last 15 minutes. As much as she loved how he was fucking her she decided she had to do something to please him. She could tell he was near cumming himself. Quickly she pulled out and away from the officer. A look of confusion spread across his face. He was so close to cumming. It was quickly replaced with a huge smile as Cherie turned around, dropped to her knees and swallowed him whole. She kept up the pace they had had set when he was fucking her. Quickly her head bobbed up and down on his shaft. She could taste herself as she tasted him and she moaned approvingly. Officer Lloyd grabbed the back of her head and began to fuck her perfect mouth. Her hands were wet with spit as they circled his shaft. He was so close to cumming. He grunted and pumped trying to get over the edge and then without any warning, this girl he had never seen before, slipped a small finger just a bit of the way into his ass and he exploded. Never before had this been done but the feeling was amazing. He came so hard pumping rope after rope of cum into her hungry swallowing mouth. Cherie was amazed by how much salty sweetness he had stored away. There was so much she could not swallow it all and some seeped out between her lips and dribbled onto her chest and knees as he grunted and moaned pushing out the last few drops. She pulled his now flaccid cock from her mouth scooping a little of his seed of her chin and licked off of her fingers while staring up at him. She was a sight to see. Officer Lloyd stared down at this vixen as she smiled and said “Now that was yummie”.
They both paused staring each other; her on her knees in the dirt before him and he standing there with his pants down and now limp cock just dangling. A hot dessert wind blew kicking up a bit of dust and their senses. Officer Lloyd began dressing as Cherie stood and made herself presentable. “Uhm…Mam you can get back in your car” he mumbled. Cherie did as she was told and he walked to his patrol car. She that there with a blank look on her face reliving the moment and wondering what to do next. She had just had the shit fucked out of her by a policeman, a stranger. Was she supposed to drive off now? Was he done? She looked up into the mirror to see what he was doing and saw him leave his car and head her way. When he got to the car he leaned into her window nervously smiling and handed her a piece of paper and her license. Cherie looked at it. Was it his number? As she looked it over she smiled a bit. It was a speeding ticket for $248.00. “You gave me a ticket?” she asked looking up at him with her bright blue eyes. “I had to” he responded. “How else would I explain why I pulled you over? Besides maybe you will come back to argue it?” he asked with a smile. Cherie already knew she would never be back and would end up paying for it but still she played coy. “I might just have to do that Officer Lloyd” she said as she read his name plate for the first time. Raising up from her window he quietly said “You have a nice day and watch that speed of yours”. As he walked away Cherie turned on her car and pulled away. She knew she had a few more hours of driving in this wasteland but at least now she had the memories of her latest adventure to accompany her in the dry heat.
Thomas Aiden
Thomas Aiden
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