About Thomas Aiden

I am an adventurous and spirited individual who writes for the pure enjoyment of it. My imagination spills in many directions, sometimes all at once. My scribblings and blogs are my own way of keeping somewhat sane. When it comes to my writing and my creativity I suffer a sort of multiple personality disorder.

Over the years I have written under various pen names or pseudonyms in various forms and styles and now in an effort of singularization I have pretty much killed off many of my identities. This is has been done in an effort to be one individual.

Thomas Aiden represents the coming together of my many writing and online personalities. It was hard to keep track of who or what I was over the past few years but what you see in my writing and posts are every ounce of who I am, from erotic and sensitive to cold and disheartened. My writing is who I am fairly often blemished and imperfect. I write under this pen name due to the nature of some of my material. In a day and age where everything is online and too many people are quick to judge it is easier to hide out in the open.

Thomas was taken from my love and respect of Dylan Thomas. Specifically his prose “Do not go gentle into that good night”. As I grow older this piece becomes more and more important to me. Read it if you have not and take the time to think about it. The name Aiden came from the simple fact I liked it as name. I wish I had more of an in depth reason but sometimes simply saying I liked it is worthwhile answer.

So this is me Thomas Aiden. I am a writer, a lover, a fiend and a fool. Sometimes I make sense and sometimes I don’t. To those of you who read my musings and verse I am grateful.

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