Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Frustration, Self Destruction, Free Speech & Silver Linings

I recently went through a bit of hell with the masters of Google.  Some of it there fault and lot of it my fault.  After a sabbatical from my projects I returned with a vengeance and was struck down by Google and my own anger fairly quickly.  I had the typical we froze your blog due to a violation of blah blah blah and I all I saw was red.  What about my free speech?  So I reacted quickly creating a new persona and transferring my hard work over to that new persona.  It was an overreaction on my part.  If I would have let the red fade to grey and then sunlight I would have seen I did not have to go to those lengths.  In doing so and of my own stupidity I lost almost all of my photos on my blog.  My photos were important because they were half of my work. My writings were inspired or emphasized by them and now they were gone.  All of them were linked by Picasa to my old account which I angrily deleted and poof…nothing.

So after a 4 long months and with the poking and prodding of friends I have decided to return.  Taking the silver lining from the fact that most of my writings in word format were embedded with the photos I have began the monotonous project of extracting each and every one of them and adding them back to their original posts.  It will be a slow and painstaking project but at least it’s there and my frustration has passed.  I could go off on how it was my right to free speech to begin with but that serves nothing.  Moderators will not change and what’s done is done.  So here I am a bit smarter, a bit more patient and intent on returning to one of my pride and joys and that is writing erotica.

It will be a slow start. I plan to replace at least 12 pictures a day. It will take me about a month or more to return what the blog once held.  I will write now and then, continuing my Sin series. Overall I may have lost about ten percent of my work but at least the bulk is still here and I am ready to be whole and happy once again. Some of you may think it silly but it meant a lot to me and was hard to overcome.  Yes they are other peoples photos but for me it was a part of my work.  No matter though as I now plan to once again wet and harder the thoughts of those willing to read my scribble.

See you all tomorrow and the day after that and so on.

Thomas Aiden

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