Thursday, June 27, 2013


She travels my body with a wet tongue and soft kisses, teasing my senses, but I want for more.  She pulls on my lip with a taunting nibble and I moan for something different.  I shudder, chills running down my spine, as she caresses my stomach and teases my ache.  I ask her to bruise me as she hesitates above my breasts.  Our eyes lock and she smiles lowering her mouth to my pink hard nipple.  The pierce is subtle at first but as the burn climbs to an almost unbearable point so does the wetness between my thighs.

Photo Title: Kiss
Artist/Photographer/Model/Original Post: yuribrut
Location of Work:  deviantArt


1 comment:

  1. "She careeses my stomach and teases my ache" .. Erotic line
